Foxy Angel has been online for a few years, and in the past year or so has really begun to build up the material on her site. She is a really sexy blond shemale that seems to really love to top guys in her photo shoots and videos clips. The member's page opens up with pull down menus of all the various sections and with links to other photo sections and forum areas. In the pull down menus you get either a month to pick from or a model to choose.
There are photo sections for Angel's Solo Pics, Angel's Action Pics, Angel's Girls Pics and you can also choose by the models name to pull up all the shoots for that model. This is very convenient if you are really looking for a model, you can find everything really quick. Typically in each month's section you can find two to six shoots. The shoots range from 70 to 150 pictures and are accessed from a few pages of thumbnails. The photos are decent quality and resolution.
The video sections are Angel's Solo Vids, Angel's Action Vids, Angel's Girls Vids and Angel's Reality Vids. The videos must be a more recent addition to the site because there aren't as many months to choose from. In each month you will find a few clips in MPEG format. The clips vary in quality from low to medium, and the length varies also, from a few minutes to over a half an hour. All together there are around 50 clips totaling over a four and a half gigabytes of files and over twelve hours of running time in total. Most of the videos are of Angel or her friends. There is some Brazilian tgirls mixed in too, and some seem to be clips from a movie.
Other sections include escort listings for USA and South America, Artistic images of Angel, a small bio of Angel, some older licensed photos in the Angel's Potpourri section, Angel's favorite club and Restaurant list in Florida, 40 stories, a small diary, Angel's Magazine Covers and a small T-Girl anime gallery. There is also offsite content from Shemale Pornstar, Tranny Sex and T-Girl Confidential.
I give this site